This book reading is for In Faithfulness, He Afflicted Me by Lynnette Kraft. (To visit Lynnette's blog click here.)
Chapter 2
Do you have a funny experience to share? What are some of the silly or stupid things you did? None...John and I haven't had a chance to, yet.
Has there been a time in your life that you felt the world was falling apart?
For sure - January our little Hudson died, March I lost my job.....you could say I was thinking, "what next, what next". I lived waiting for the next thing to happen...
Has God ever worked a miracle in your life or in the life of someone you know?
I have read of plenty of miracles, but as far as experiencing any firsthand I can't say that I remember any at the moment...maybe the time when I was 7 I was hit in the head with a metal baseball bat and had it been a hair to the left I would have died or a hair to the right I would have been blinded.
How has difficult times affected your marriage?
What John and I have experienced has only made us stronger. I cannot remember the last fight or argument we really had - one with meaning. Yes, of course there are little spats and disagreements, but not over anything important. Then again, our sense of importance has changed the past few months as well.
What fears have you struggled with?
I always had a fear of when it was about to be my time for children. I have always sensed that I would have difficulty in having children - my intuition kicking in. My biggest fear was losing a child and now my biggest fear is going through everything again. The question I ask myself is "will I ever having a living child outside of my womb?". It has already happened once and I am told by many people that it can't happen to me again, it just can't. The truth is I know it can - it happened once therefore it can happen again.
Do you feel that God has a plan for your life?
Yes - what the plan is I have no idea. I guess you could say I am just living by faith and trusting in God. I used to have a plan for everything. Before even getting pregnant I had my list of people to send baby announcements. I don't like to go into something without having a plan for something. Now? I just live and try to plan for a few vacations here and there =)
What has been the hardest moment of your life so far?
I would have to say moments - seeing my lifeless child on the tv screen, giving birth to a child I would not get to know this side of Heaven, burying my child and leaving him alone in a cold cemetery....
*Photo by Jennifer Spence
The Henninger Women
Cupcakes - made by Jennifer
Cookies - made by Jennifer
John and I headed to the boat afterwards and started packing our things in preparation for the end of our trip. We had such a wonderful time this whole week on our vacation - if only we could have brought Hunter with us....
The is not something you would eat, but the Mayans used this to make their bowls and dishes
Piss-A-Bed Tree
After shopping (and picking out a couple of places to make a few purchases at later!) we headed to our meeting place for our excursion. The trip for us was a clear kayak and snorkel; John, my parents, and myself. We went to the location and the first thing to do was get into the 2 person kayaks and paddle around. There were so many fish to see in the water! The guide threw out some food for the fish so that we could see more. Some of them had eaten way too much! After boating we headed back to shore and took a break before the snorkel adventure. During the snorkel time we saw all sorts of coral, a sea horse, and all kinds of beautiful fish. Next we headed back to the pier to finish up our shopping and we also hung out at Fat Tuesday where we were given balloon hats - I made John chase the lady to get us two =)