Sunday, August 19, 2012

Family Weekend

It was a miracle - John had a Saturday off! Yay for the Henninger family! I felt bad that Heidi and I had to forgo two fun events {both out of town birthday parties} but it was worth it to have a fun family day. We spent the day at the Children's Museum in downtown Savannah and then had a nice lunch at Mellow Mushroom. Then we went to get a new phone for me - yay! No more cracked screen! I was too cheap to get a new phone so I had a cracked screen for almost a year. No more! Below are pictures from the day.

Friday, August 17, 2012

6 weeks

How Far Along?: 6 weeks
Total Weight Gain?: 0
Maternity Clothes?: I have decided that at your third full term pregnancy you show right away and there is no denying the pregnancy. My fatty muscles have great memory {too bad it does not work as well after delivery}. I am already wearing my bella-band, but I think it also has a lot to do with my uterus and how low it has dropped from my first two deliveries. I could also be swelling from all the shots - again.

Daily Pill Count: 7

Shot Count: 8

Blood draws: 5

Sleep?: Well, I have not slept since I was pregnant with Heidi so, no. Heidi is still snuggling in our bed and sometimes I get kicked and cannot sleep.

Best Moment This Month?: Seeing that so far everything is going well!

Movement?: Nope.

Body Changes/Labor Signs?: None.

Belly Button?: Normal.

What I Miss: Nothing so far.

What I Am Looking Forward To: I think we all know the answer to this one :)

Gender Prediction: Boy

Heartbeat: 127bpm
Back to the when its your third pregnancy. I also think you start back from the end of your last pregnancy. It is crazy how I get short of breath and how I feel like I waddle. My pregnancy brain is already in full force plus some. The pressure and cramping has stopped which is a very good feeling. It was hurting to sit at times. We have our next follow-up/ultrasound next week!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


I had to have my progsterone levels checked again today since they dropped last week. They have dropped again. So I have gone from 36 to 32 to now at 19. Judy is going to have the lab check my other levels and see if those have gone up and then we will go from there. So night I take 2 of my progesterone meds and I might be going to an injection.

I told John yesterday that I don't feel pregnant anymore. I am a little, ok, really a lot concerned with that observation. I feel like this one will be resulting in a miscarriage. Lately there have been little cramps, but none that are alarming or different from ones I had in either of my first two pregnancies.

I really hope this ends well...

Talked with Judy today. My other numbers were going up like they were supposed to be - yay. My estradil did drop a little. I am now going to an injection once a day and a patch. The shots are progesterone and the patch is estradil.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Heidi's First Dance Class

Well, today was the day! Heidi's first dance class! I woke up so excited - I had prepared everything the night before and could hardly sleep. Ok, not really. I did prepare, but I slept fine. I was antsy during the day and ready to get to Heidi's new studio. I think Heidi was excited too, she knew I was excited, so maybe she acted excited because I was so excited. I really overuse the word excited.

The class had ballet, tap, and baton. Moms {parents} are not allowed to watch, which in my case is good and bad. Its bad because I really want to know what is going on. Its good because if Heidi could see me then she would not participate in the class. I was amazed that Heidi went right in without any qualms. Crazy! If you know Heidi you know that she does not go anywhere without her mama. Luckily the teacher saw me with the camera and took it in the class to snap a few shots of Heidi in class. I really think Heidi had such an amazing time and I hope she is ready for next week!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

5 Weeks


So - according to me I am about 5 weeks. Dr. Odom has been on vacation for the week and I have been working with Judy {whom I love} at the practice. I took the blood tests again to check and make sure my numbers had doubled and they had! They actually more than doubled - yay! The only number that decreased was my progesterone, but it was still pretty high. It went from 36 to 32. The Dr. likes to see over 25 so I will take the test again on Monday. I am on a progesterone "therapy" right now and Monday after reviewing my numbers again we will see if I will stay on my current one or go to injections.

I was so worried about the number dropping that in true fashion I was goggling trying to find out what it meant for that one number to drop. I thought perhaps it could be because I am still nursing Heidi, but upon talking to Judy she did not think that would be the case. Just helped to reassure me that it was not something to be concerned with - especially since all of my other numbers more than doubled.

It is strange, but I actually feel like I am 8 or 9 weeks, but that's not possible, right? I will feel better once we have an ultrasound. Actually I will feel better once our baby is here. Once again - a long 35 weeks to go! I want to try to enjoy this pregnancy. Its so hard for me. I have been in fear of having a miscarriage and I start to think how unfair that would be and then I have to say, well, why not me. Why would I be immune to having one just because I have lost one child. There are so many women who have lost so many children.

My dear husband has told me I am showing, but no, its just fat. I have not been back to the gym in such a long time. Then again - this is my third baby so maybe you show even faster with a third? What great muscle memory I have - and I think I am going to be huge this time around.

No More Diapers

The past few weeks Heidi has been wearing her big girl panties! She is so proud! Heidi has been going both #1 and #2 on the potty - and letting us know when she needs to go. Going tee-tee did not surprise me and I was assuming it would take her a little longer to catch on with #2, but she has it! I am amazed at how she has done all of this by herself. There has been no "potty training" involved at all - Heidi just decided all by herself. Way to go Heidi!


Yesterday I kept thinking, "This is the worst day ever". It was such a stupid thought because although many things throughout the day kept annoying me it was definitely not my worst day. Lines were crazy long everywhere and my insurance company irritated me. I think it was mainly the insurance thing. We are a family that rarely gets sick {honestly I think John has gone to a Dr once in the 11 years we have dated} so we signed up for a lower paying fee with a higher deductible, a very smart move. That is, until you actually have to get what you would deem simple medications. At first insurance was not even going to accept the medicine {and not go towards our massive deducible} and it would cost $112 so we had that taken care of and I was looking forward to only paying $16 like I had in the past. Oh but no, it was still $98. Ugh.

It just put me a in a down mood. John called shortly after, something to do with my facebook status {letting people know I was not a fan of the day} and I told him that it was so frustrating that we have to pay so much for something when other people can do the same thing without having to pay all this money or take all these medicines. Prepping my body for something probably costs more than a person's entire pregnancy and delivery.

After I had my pity party I started thinking that my costs were not near as much as so many women I know that are taking multiple fertility treatments and other medicines that are not even covered my insurance company. I wanted to feel sorry for myself and think that my situation was just so awful, but yet again God reminds me that there are others that are going through more than me.

Sometimes I wish that everyone could see life that way. Complain for a minute because I think we all have our own issues that are frustrating, but then after you finish just remember that there are others worse than you right now. Then pray for them. They need our prayers because there might not be anyone out there praying for them.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

We Are Expecting!

Originally Written: August 7, 2012
The past week I have been utterly exhausted - going to bed around 8:30 with Heidi has been an absolute pleasure. I had a gut feeling what it meant, but I did not want to get myself too wrapped up thinking of the possibilities. So, I just enjoyed my early night caps while letting the DVR max out. Today was the day I knew I could not wait any longer to see if my prediction was correct. And it was! This morning at approximately 7:30AM I discovered the first sign that Henninger baby #3 would be making a debut in April! The calculated date is April 12, but I am thinking it will be March 28th, which, if you have been following me long you might remember that was Hudson's due date. So I already know that this pregnancy is going be falling just about the same track as Hudson's {about 2 weeks off}, which might make it even more difficult going through another pregnancy.

The first words out of my mouth when I saw the results pop up {almost immediately} were "Thank you Jesus". I could not stop smiling. Then I got in the shower {which this is the same routine I took when I found out I was pregnant with Heidi} and then started getting even more excited - then the fears started to set in.

Are we ready for another? Will I lose this child too? What have we done? How will this effect Heidi? Will this baby be healthy?

Questions I thought I knew the answer to before we decided we were ready for another one. I had to shake my head and cast away the fears by saying out loud that I firmly put all my trust in Jesus and that this baby was going to be perfect just like Heidi.

I called Dr. Odom's office as soon as they opened and then went in to take a few blood tests and they will call me tomorrow with the numbers and then I will go again on Thursday {Aug. 9th} for another set of tests. I do not know which is harder for me...waiting to get pregnant {which I know it seems like I am impatient, but I really am not - we have been preparing for over a year now} waiting to find out the early tests, or waiting the 9 months for the little one to be ready to come out! All of it has me in a bundle of nerves, that is for sure.

I started panicking because I know what Heidi means to us and how much we love her. We are her world and she is ours. We are about to completely rock her world by adding in another baby. I think that with her being almost 3 it should not be too bad. It all just makes me nervous. I know that your love grows and blah blah - that you don't love one more than the other, etc. It will all work out, but while you're in the moment, when it hasn't happened yet, it puts you in such a bundle of emotions. As if on cue this was posted today and while it is all stuff everyone tells you when you have fear of bringing that 2nd baby home its still nice to see.

Its crazy to think that we will be having our third baby soon. I sure wish Hudson was here to play with his siblings...

Saturday, August 4, 2012

National Night Out

Tuesday is the Farmer's Market in Richmond Hill and I usually try and make it so grab some yummy fresh produce. I completely forgot about it until I got to my parent's house and they were not home. Once I called my dad he told me they were at the market, so I headed that way. Upon arriving I discovered there were some fun things going on in the park to celebrate National Night Out. Booths with food, crafts, pony rides, all sorts of things! It ended up being such a fun time and Heidi really enjoyed it!

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