Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Project 365 - Day 46

Guess what I started today....

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Holding My Breath

I finished my cry fest (on Saturday) and I am ready to stop being negative Nancy. So no, I really haven't been negative; just scared. Not scared because I have to check my glucose levels each day, that's not a big deal to me, but scared of potential results. My glucose monitor just arrived today so tomorrow I will take it to the doctor to learn what to do. I have not had anything sweet in 2 days (besides fruit) - which is fine, no big deal, except I made some brownies on Friday night. I just sit and stare at them...its sad really. Last night I made John tell me how horrible they tasted. He said they were stale - I knew they wouldn't have been just yet. I used to be a "sweetaholic" and then I stopped and changed my entire eating habits. Now I feel as if I cannot even splurge. I know that its possible and I can, but I feel that I need to take drastic measures for the next 13 weeks. At this point I am back on the bandwagon for induction as soon as possible. I hope to discuss that with my regular OB at my appointment next week. I do not want to take a chance on anything going wrong because of my body and its (dys)functioning.

Luckily I have friends, family, and an amazing husband that are trying to take my worry away. John is positive that everything is going to be just great with BG and nothing is going to happen. Saturday was an emotional day for me anyway - it was Hudson's original due date. In my mind I should have been having his first birthday party while waiting for the birth of his little sister. Sometimes it makes it harder knowing that BG would still be here even if Hudson was still here. John and I want our children to be close in age and actually the original plan was what is panning out now - except we would have Hudson here.

At the moment I feel like I am holding my breath. I feel like everyone has been holding their breath with me - which is a lot of breath holding. There is going to be a huge gust of wind when BG is born as everyone exhales.

I need to start recording my thoughts when I take walks with Hunter. My post would've sounded so much better had I not forgotten other thoughts I had. Speaking of forgetting. I need to write a little prayer request list on here - please pray for the following:

1) BG

2) My nephew Hugh. Remember the infected saliva gland? Well, from the scan that was performed they found a cyst on his brain. Its still too new to determine what needs to be done. Soccer and football are out. On Sunday he passed out and had a small seizure and was taken to the emergency room. The doctor does not believe the cyst is related - I will update when more information is given.

3) My grandmother - still with Alzheimer's. She fell and broke her arm and hip a few weeks ago and is now in a rehab nursing home for the next 3 months.

4) My dear friend Katie's father - they have found cancer and today he had a bone scan to see if
it has spread. We are praying that it has not.

5) My dear friend Christine's little girl that is due in May. I had mentioned before about the dilated kidney; so pray that it will all work itself out when she arrives!

I know I have more....I will add more as I get my thoughts together!!

Project 365 - Day 45

I told Hubert I was going to need a golf cart if he expected me to walk around this summer being large and pregnant....look what he got :)

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Project 365 - Day 43

We've finally started BG's room and getting things set up/organized. Thanks to 4 nieces and friends with girls I will have plenty of clothes to fill her closet. I did buy a few things already - some are in this picture and some are surprises!! We are still waiting on the bedding (which we are waiting for my mom's sewing machine to be fixed) and we have not yet picked out the furniture, but it will come! Actually it needs to come fast because we don't have that much longer :)

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Project 365 - Day 42

Photo by John

Hunter knew his mom was having a bad day - so he sat beside her all night long while it was family time watching The Blind Side, on Demand. What a great movie by the way!!

Pushed Back

Today I was able to talk with my specialist - regarding the GD testing. I let him know that I failed the first test and he wanted to talk with me about it after I took a few of his labs - regarding a few other issues with my body. Dr. O is a little concerned about me failing the first GD test while being on metformin - a concern I have as well. He, as well as some other doctors, feel that the baseline is too high on the GD test in the first place and that more needs to be done. He told me that there is more to this insulin resistance than we are giving credit to. Recently he had a patient that lost her baby at 36 weeks and the placenta came back as showing insulin resistance. This woman failed her first GD testing as well. The only comfort I feel is that I am on metformin and we are working to do something about my issue because we already know about it.

On Monday I go to his office to learn how to check my glucose levels twice a day - by pricking my finger. I will have to check once right when I wake up and then alternate meals each day. One day breakfast, the next day lunch, the next dinner, and so on. I have increased my exercising and I am watching even more closely what I am eating. No more slip ups or allowing for junk...kind of hard when you have already been watching yourself so closely.

I have been feeling great the past few weeks - that nothing devastating is going to happen. With this I feel right back to where I felt months ago. I thought that being so close to 30 weeks was scary, but now its just outright scary being pregnant. I hear stories of people being scared about the birthing process and having the children once they are home, but have you ever heard of someone scared of being pregnant? I am ready for the birth - been there and experienced the worst possible birthing experience. I am ready to bring BG home - at least she will be there and I can see what is going on!

At this moment I want to stop planning and preparing for her arrival. I just want the next 13 (or less) weeks to pass on quickly and her to be here. I don't want to listen to everyone's "it's going to be fine" stories because the truth is they don't know that and there is always doubt in those voices. Truthfully I don't want to talk to anyone about it because there is not anyone here that knows what I am going through or knows how this feels. I am surrounded by friends and family with perfectly healthy children and here I sit scared of being pregnant. It's really not fair to have to go through the thought of losing another child. In general its not fair for anyone to have to lose a child at all. I plan on being a hermit the next 13 weeks - so if you don't hear from me (as in locally - I will still be blogging) don't take offense. I just want to live in a bubble for a little while.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Project 365 - Day 41

I sit and stare at this all day out of my window at work - doesn't it look like a face? This is actually a storage unit and it is painted black with white dots on it to make it look like a cow and it has on it as well. We used it as advertisement until the city/county, someone, made us move it off the lot. Now it is behind some trees....

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Project 365 - Day 40

Spring is here! Time to bust out the sandals and flip flops!! A pregnant woman's dream shoe! Actually, anyone that lives in the south's dream shoe! Make sure you have your bi-monthly pedicures!! Yes, I am very aware that my feet look a little puffy...its hot outside. As I told one of our salesmen - "its too hot for a pregnant woman to be outside".

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Project 365 - Day 39

Diaper Frog anyone? This was a gift (as well as a basket FULL of goodies she sent before) from a childhood friend, Jane, of my sisters that I also grew up with. She has a twin sister, Jean, and they went to the same church as us growing up, they were all in Girl Scouts together and graduated from high school together. Isn't this too cute? She makes all sorts of great gift items for showers. Diaper cakes and more - check out her website!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Project 365 - Day 38

What's going on here?? We're getting insulation!! Now we can have central heat and air at work!! Yay!! No more space heaters or fans!!

Monday, March 22, 2010

I Passed!!

I passed the 3-hour gestational diabetes test!! All of my levels - you know after giving blood 4 separate times - were normal. The nurse did mention that I probably felt really bad after the test because at the final blood draw I was nearly hypoglycemic. Yes - I felt awful after the test. I thought I was going to pass out, I was sweaty, and pale. I had to keep talking to make myself stay alive. Basically I need to eat 6 small meals a day and never go that long without food again. Trust me, I don't intend to at all! It's the small victories in a worried pregnant woman's life that make the days better :)

Project 365 - Day 37

Today when I came home I had the cutest little package! One of the first thoughts a sorority mom has, once they are finding out they are having a little girl, is dreams of their little girl in their sorority - a true legacy. I have the same thoughts for my niece's but its not the same.

In college I joined Alpha Delta Pi - and I absolutely LOVED every minute of it. I knew only 2 girls in the sorority when I joined and I hardly knew anyone that was in the Greek system at all. I remember I really wanted to rush, but my parents were hesitant about it; you know, all the stereotypes about sorority life and such. My mom went to a Greek life seminar at the orientation for college with me and I guess something about that changed her mind and I was allowed to rush. I think it also had to do with the fact that I was moving 3 hours away from home and I would only know about 6 other people - they wanted to make sure I was happy and would have a great time in college. My senior year in ADPi my parents were sad that they were attending their very last Parent's Weekend event. I know they have never regretted the decision in letting me join ADPi and I think they are still amazed at how I grew by being a member. My mom even knew how important my sorority sisters were/are and made little ribbons for them to wear as honorary bridesmaids at my wedding; she did the same thing for John's Kappa Sigma brothers as well.

To get to the point. I came home to a package from my pledge sister - whom I also share a birthday with. We were also initiated into ADPi on our birthday :) Amanda is a very special friend whom I have remained in close contact with the past years after leaving Valdosta. Talented, very talented is how I can describe Amanda. She has even started her own business making cakes - visit her website to check them out! The picture for today is so special - a painting by Amanda. I absolutely adore and LOVE this. I cannot wait to find a special place to hang this in BG's room. It's a start to the ADPi items she will have :)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Project 365 - Day 36

This morning we did not wake up in time for church. I guess I am sleeping while the sleeping is good - and while I am actually sleeping! I have not been setting my alarm for months because I automatically get get up when I need to. Apparently I should have set one this morning. So, instead John and I enjoyed a nice homemade brunch! I cooked, eggs, grits, turkey bacon, and toast! So yummy!!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Project 365 - Day 35

Hunter was enjoying looking out a different window for a change.

We told him to be grateful that he was not that dog...

The neighbors always chain their dog outside and it bothers us. We would never just chain Hunter up and leave him be...maybe some dogs enjoy it. Personally, I do not think this one does. The little girls later came out to torment him/her with some sort of food. Maybe a burger...

Friday, March 19, 2010

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Project 365 - Day 33

Tuesday right before our small group came over the kids that live behind and to the side of us were playing around outside. It was such a wonderful day and with the recent time change kids are able to enjoy being outside. We kept hearing them walking behind us to the woods behind our fence. One time they were so excited and were yelling, "It's Christmas time!!" and through the fence I saw our old Christmas tree being hauled away. How funny! We threw it back in the woods after Christmas and these little kids have moved it into a new spot.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Today is St. Patrick's Day and what better place to be to celebrate (besides Ireland) than Savannah! I grew up here, so I am used to the traditions and celebration whatnot. John's friend Nick came in town and stayed with us to enjoy in the Savannah St. Patrick's Day traditions. Wednesday we went to downtown Savannah to watch the parade - something I have not been to since high school. Here are a few snapshots of the day!

You will see women and girls of all ages coating on the bright red lipstick and running up to all the military, bands, the BC Cadets (a military high school) and giving then kiss all throughout the parade. Some guys where smothered with kisses...and they can't do a thing about it - they just keep marching :)
The beginning of the parade
Poor Hunter was so tired by the end of the parade...

Project 365 - Day 32

My friend Tasha spray painted her dog to look like the Irish flag...

Monday, March 15, 2010

Project 365 - Day 30

This used to be a giraffe. At one time it was a nice new toy that we gave Hunter for Christmas - this past Christmas to be exact. Hunter loves his toys, but he also loves to rip into them and get out the little squeaker. Each night we'll play tug-of-war with this old giraffe, usually with a limb being ripped off or tearing even more.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Project 365 - Day 29

Mission accomplished...

The Weekend

It seems like I was so busy this weekend, yet as I sit to write about it I have nothing to say...oh, but before I go into the weekend recap I did have something happen on Friday. I got a call from the dr's office and I failed the GD test. I seriously cannot believe I failed. The cut-off is 140 and I had a 144. Thursday I have to take the 3 hour test - great, joy, fun. I am blaming it on the Girl Scout cookies. It is scary though to know that this whole process is part of my issue and to know that I am having an issue now is even worse...

Friday I worked and then went to a Father-Daughter banquet our church hosted with my dad and sister. Vicki and knew it was for a younger crowd of girls, but our parents were insistent - so we went. They had a 20's theme and we were served pasta - and a delicious cupcake. This same night was the Shamrock March of Dimes 5K, but John went to represent the Henninger clan for the race. Last year we wore stickers in remembrance of Hudson - so John passed some out to friends of his.

Vicki, Dad, and I

Saturday I woke up (attempted to sleep in) and went to a consignment sale that is put on twice a year. I picked up some amazing bargains - 11 outfits for only $34! Saturday was the 1/2 off sale day, so it was fantastic! After the sale I went to April's little girl's 1st birthday party and had a great time. The theme was "Princess" and Ashlynn looked adorable! Next I went to my parent's house and visited with my mom for a little while - my dad was at the hospital with my grandmother. Thursday night she fell and broke her arm and fractured her hip. Say a little prayer! I went grocery shopping and if I had been fast enough with my camera I would have a picture of a woman walking in her long fur coat and hat. It was such a site to see in a very crowded Wal-Mart. I bought some kids hangers while there and when I got home I started hanging BG's (baby girl's) clothes up.

Sunday I woke up and planned to get up to go to church, but then I somehow ran behind - even though my clock automatically changed. So, I got up and cleaned the house and got ready to meet my friend Jennifer, who came in town, for lunch downtown. I had not seen Jennifer in almost 2 years - and I rarely get to see her because she and her husband live in Maryland. Jennifer and I are childhood friends (we have been friends since the age of 4 or 5) and she moved away to Ohio when we started high school. We walked around downtown - ate at Spanky's and then walked into the shops. The St. Patrick's Day characters were already out in rare form today. After shopping we stopped in City Market for ice cream.
Jennifer and I

Ran into Molly while downtown!

After our goodbye I headed to Babies-R-Us to set up BG's registry. I really had not thought about registering - well I had, but I kept pushing it in the back of my mind. As you recall I am nervous about having a shower and I continuously teetered with the idea. A couple of my friends are hosting one for BG and I in Atlanta in about a month. Invitations are going out soon and I needed to get a registry started. Well....Hudson's registry is still up as well. It never fell off. So, I had a small breakdown in Babies-R-Us today when they deleted his and replaced it with BG's information. The poor girl that was at the desk - she was amazing though, even when I burst into tears. Her name is Kayla and she would have had a 2 year old right about now - she was 5 months pregnant when her water broke and she lost her child. Could you imagine working in Babies-R-Us with that kind of past? I think this is only about the 3rd time I have been in the store since we registered for Hudson....

I quickly picked out a few things - which I will be editing tonight - and then left and headed home. My dad's friend Thomas had come in town from Germany and he wanted to see John and I and our new house. He brought us the cutest little yellow towel bath hoodie as well as the Steiff bear from my dad. The rest of the night I have spent putting up old posts I have been meaning to get online - oops :)

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Project 365 - Day 28

We CANNOT figure out the recycling schedule here - seriously. It's supposed to be every 1st and 3rd week, but apparently sometimes it changes?? We have no clue, so until then, the pile will continue to grow. I think this is about a months worth of recyclables. Maybe this week they will come.

Friday, March 12, 2010


I have waited long enough to share this story with everyone. John probably would prefer if I did not, but it is too funny not to! Monday John wanted to start on the painting. He had been after me to pick out paint colors and such - so I did and he was now going to paint.

Paint supplies: $40

Showing your wife your "masterpiece" and finding out you painted it the wrong color: Priceless :)

We picked out a green color because of the palm tree theme. Most of the items in the bathroom are brown - so we wanted to pull out the green. Apparently John either a) had other ideas or b) was not listening. He bought paint supplies for the guest bathroom and our bathroom at the same time and got them confused. Poor thing...but we're going to make it work. We're adding some green stripes for a splash of color. We have to make it work, John said he was not repainting.

Project 365 - Day 27

It's almost St. Patrick's Day! Today the festivities began with the annual March of Dimes 5k called the Shamrock Run. There are all sort of people that come in town, or live here already, that come just to have a fun "racing" experience. I have run it the past 2 years, but this year something came up with some other plans. Since we live in Savannah we must put a little something green on our doors to celebrate the holiday! Who knows, maybe it will bring some luck :)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Project 365 - Day 26

Another of John's capturing shots of me with our favorite dog! He is such a cuddle bug - and we wouldn't have it any other way!

24 weeks (& 2days) Update

How far Along? 24 Weeks and 2 days

Total Weight Gain? 13lbs

Maternity Clothes? Sometimes - I am still rockin' the Bella Band and a few maternity shirts. I am sooooo ready for spring/summer to sport sundresses and sandals!

Sleep? For the most part, except for the potty breaks in the middle of the night. Those horrible pregnancy dreams keep me occupied during sleep and waking up with leg cramps, back pains, and feeling like I just ran the Boston Marathon are just swell as well.

Best Moment this Month? Finally picking out material for the bedding!

Movement? Oh yes - more and more each day and it is just wonderful! Nothing to complain about in this department.

Labor Signs/Body Changes? A very contractions here and there, but none to be concerned about. Of course the body is steady changing each day!

Belly Button - In/Out? Still in, but stretching more and more!

What I Miss? Wine - I have been craving a glass lately....

What I am Looking Forward to? Bringing this baby home!

We had our 24 week appointment today as well as the Gestational Diabetes test. We should have our results in a day or two. Dr. Helmken said she thought everything was going to be just fine. Weight gain is great, I measured perfect, and no worries with anything. We go back again next month for our 28 week check-up and we will have our next ultrasound at 30 weeks. Below is our recent picture!

This Woman's Work

If you do not watch American Idol or So You Think You Can Dance you are really missing out on moments like the ones posted below. I love both shows and I have watched them each season. The audition episodes where they make fun of people I do not like so much, but hearing and seeing the talent on the shows is incredible.

The meaning of the song This Woman's Work is incredible. I remember first hearing it when I purchased the Felicity soundtrack, but this version was sung by Kate Bush. You have to listen to the lyrics a few times, but the song was written as a man's narrative during childbirth as he waits...amazing how this song touched me so long ago and now it has so much more meaning than ever before.

Last night Michael Lynche sang the Maxwell version of This Woman's Work - wow and incredible. The song takes more meaning though when you realize that he himself recently became a father. He missed the birth of his daughter to seek out his American Idol dream and to try for a better future for his family.

Last spring season on So You Think You Can Dance Melissa and Ade performed a Tyce Diorio choreographed piece that he created with breast cancer as his inspiration. Absolutely amazing and breathtaking. Not a single dry eye...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Project 365 - Day 24

This little guy was in one of the flower arrangements at Hudson's funeral. He remains in a palm tree plant that is in our house next to our piano. I almost killed this plant. We brought it over to the house almost immediately when we moved in and we put it in the garage - and sort of forgot about it. I am very happy to say, though, that the plant is not inside and has been flourishing ever since I began actually taking care of it :)

Monday, March 8, 2010

Project 365 - Day 23

Taken by John - Hunter and I love each other :)

Spring Training

Over the weekend John and I traveled to Florida for the Pittsburgh Pirates spring training game. We met up with his parents as well as Brad, Rebekah, and their crew. Friday we left (I was on time) and we headed to the hotel - picked up Brad from the airport on the way first. Got to the hotel and realized we were at the wrong one in the wrong city. We were about an hour away from ours - darn that GPS! When we finally arrived at the correct hotel we unloaded and then went to Chili's to eat dinner. Yum! I was on my way to the bathroom and this cheesecake went by me and it looked soooo good. I ordered one to go. Seriously, it was probably the best cheesecake I have ever eaten. To die for...

Saturday we woke up and went to Bradenton for the Pirates vs. Phillies spring training game. I love going to baseball games. The atmosphere is just so fun and alive at baseball games. John and I love going to any sporting event really. I don't know why we don't go to more Sand Gnat games here....the affiliate for the LA Dodgers. Anyways - it was great! I didn't know I was allowed to go until the day before because I was under the assumption that it was a "guys day at the game", but when John said there was a ticket for me I was quite happy! I did not know a single player on the field, but that is alright. I've never really followed the Pirates. John's dad is a huge fan and each year he says they are on a "building season" or something like that. Personally I am a born and raised Atlanta Braves fan - Tomahawk Chop! John did purchase a Pirates hat because it was themed for St. Patrick's Day and I wore it during the game because I like to be festive for sporting events. Had I known I was going to the game I would have worn something black and jacket was gold though...

Brad, Gavin, Tom, and John

The Parrot

McCutchen - his mom sang the anthem


The woman below had her own baseball terminology - "we need a homebase" - too funny; just in case you are wondering - she was saying the team needed a homerun. John and I giggled for quite sometime after her comment. She and her husband are Phillies fans and they went to Penn State - for some reason they were chanting it with a few fellow Penn Staters.

Sunday we drove home - and actually took our time. We stopped by the Hard Rock Casino for a couple of hours and I was asked by some men at the poker "not to have my baby at the table", so I took their money. They should not have made such a rude comment - it was their punishment! John and I stopped by Golden Corral to eat on the way home and then got back on the road to get back to Hunter! My mom stayed at our house for the weekend to babysit - which worked out nicely.

My parents recently (just this past Thursday) moved my Grandmother in at their house. Hunter and my Grandmother do not like each other, so it was best for my mom to house and dog sit. So far the transition seems to be going well with my Grandmother. I have not been there yet to check it all out, but I know it has to be a sad day for everyone. She is not in her right mind - Alzheimer's - and there is no way they could have kept on with her alone at her house, even if it was right across the street.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Project 365 - Day 22

Hudson's tree that my mom and dad gave us - we still need to plant it. Right now it is sitting on our patio...

Friday, March 5, 2010

Project 365 - Day 20

John and I are on our way to Florida for a Pirates spring training game vs. the Phillies. I was so worried about making sure I was ready on time (I always aim to leave at a certain time and then end up leaving 30 minutes to an hour after the scheduled time) that I forgot snacks - OH NO!! THE HORROR! John remembered to bring his own snacks though, how nice for him. I despise Cheez-its. Seriously, I hate them. No sharing snacks for us's going to be a long trip.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

House Guest

Wednesday my nephew had to be admitted into the hospital - he had an infected saliva gland. Sounds painful, right? So I went to the hospital to help with my niece Georgia should Hugh need serious help from Vicki. I sat around the hospital in the children's wing - did you know they make towel animals like those on a cruise? Well they do! Hugh got an elephant. I was going to take a picture of him having the IV inserted, but I didn't think that would help matters....

Later that after I went to pick up Emily from school and then took her to dance. She is dancing with the same teacher I grew up taking from - and also where I help teach currently. We later went to eat dinner at CiCi's Pizza and then to see Hugh at the hospital - taking him some Krispie Kreme donuts. Next she got a big treat that night and stayed over. She has been wanting to stay over for awhile now, actually since we first moved in, but there has not been a good time yet. She stayed over and of course had to sleep in the bed with me, therefore booting John into the guest room :) Thursday morning I took her to school and that's the end!

There were a few funny moments from the night - like when she laid her head in my lap and baby Henninger was constantly kicking her in the head; or when we were having "family time" watching American Idol. **If you remember from John's post about how we each have our separate couches** Hunter was on his couch, John in the recliner and Emily was laying her head in my lap on the big couch. Hunter just kept staring at her head in lap and grunting/growling a little bit as if he was saying, "get off my mama". John couldn't start laughing.
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