I headed to Valdosta for the day for friend from college's wedding. This time it was only a one day round trip all alone. Heidi was dropped off at my parent's house while I went to have a much needed hair cut and then I headed out to Valdosta. John had to work and then he picked up Heidi after work. Before getting to the wedding I met up with a couple of old co-workers - Faith and Shawna. It was really nice to catch up with the two of them. Next I headed to the church for Lindsey's wedding! I think Lindsey and Justin began dating shortly before John and I got married - so they have been waiting awhile for this day to come! It was so nice to see a few of my friends. I really miss Valdosta and the days I spent there. I definitely would not mind moving there at all. I wonder if its just the memories that make me want to live there or if I would enjoy living there now as much as I did before? We still have a ton of friends, but its always the same after moving away....everyone moves on and its always different coming back and getting back into the groove. Take a look at the pictures of my sweet friends :)

Lacey and sweet little Brogen
LJ and Lovett
One of my favorite parts of sorority/fraternity weddings :)
Sweet friends
Brooke - due with little Hayes in August
Old VSU Cheerleading buddies :)
My favorite Davis sisters!
Lindsey (due in a couple months) and Brittany
I also stopped and took a few pictures at my old college campus - it is such a beautiful place!
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