Such a creative post title, right? Yeah - I'm full of them.
We had a pretty busy week last week - amazingly we have nothing ever during the week {besides gymnastics} and this week Heidi had two fun activities.
Everyday Heidi had VBS at the church I grew up {and was married} in - RHUMC. What is really funny is it felt like a mash of my old church and my new church. Everywhere I turned there was someone I knew from one of the churches. It was a huge event and Heidi's cousins were attending as well. On the first day it was a little crazy because I wanted to switch Heidi to be in a class with her cousins so that she would have some familiar faces with her. In the end she knew several kids in her class, he cousins, and two boys from her pre-school class. There were also a few kids that I knew the parents of in her class. The first day was a little hard because she did not want to go, but the rest of the week went smoothly at drop off. I really enjoyed the mom time being able to see and talk to other moms.
The only mishap was at closing ceremonies. Oh boy. Heidi did not want to perform in the ceremonies so I tried to get there beforehand to grab her. Apparently I missed the time and so I headed to the sanctuary where everyone would be. All of the pre-schoolers were in the front row. Except Heidi. I saw her class, her cousins, everyone else, but Heidi. I frantically went up and down the side aisles of the church and still could not find her. When the pre-schoolers were finished and I still could not find her my heart started racing and my eyes were burning because I was about to burst into tears. A couple of friends and my sister were also helping me to find Heidi and my friends spotted her first. Someone was holding her, apparently she had to go potty. I cannot tell you how scared I was in that moment - pure panic and fear.

This week Heidi also had a three day dance camp. Harrison enjoyed some time laying and playing with his friend Garrett while they waited for their sisters to dance. These nights were a little late, but Heidi was super tired after each day was over - plus!
We also had the kids pictures taken this week - Heidi's 3 year and Harrison's 3 month. This will mark Harrison's first time to the beach!
For some reason, maybe because we were already so busy, I decided that I would wake up each morning and run. Of course this means earlier bedtimes for me and then once Harrison has his morning feeding and goes back to bed I run. Just a few notes I would like to leave with you on running:
- There is a huge temperature difference between 6:30 and 7:30.
- Running on trash pick-up mornings, gross!
- There are a lot of morning runners.
- Running ruins my current hair washing schedule.