Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Our Tuesday

Just a regular Tuesday for us! Heidi had some play time with her cousin Georgia after school and they had a ton of fun - as always. Things were a little touch and go for a moment when they were deciding which princesses they would be choosing to play with and a few tears might have been shed, but one can never have enough princesses, right?

Harrison enjoyed his sister having someone over to play because it meant a couple of things for him. For one, he was able to be rocked and nursed for his nap without interruption and secondly he was able to have playtime. Real playtime. Like being able to play with actual toys without someone instructing him on what toy he could play with and how he could play with it. Heidi is just a teeny bit bossy.

It is Dr. Suess week at school this week! The kids all dressed in red and blue for "One fish, two fish..." and John and I both went in as guest readers. John read four {hee hee!} books in the morning and I read three in the afternoon. Heidi was super excited to have us both read and for Harrison to sit with her while they all listened to the stories.

Funny story about this. I decided to wear my hair curly and I was searching everywhere for my diffuser. I even had John help me look. Usually I am the ultimate finder of lost things and can find anything {I'm am also losing things so maybe that is why and I am a great finder} so asking John to look {who, by the way, is the worst finder of things} was a big deal. I never found it and my hair look blah. When I went to find a pair of socks I opened the drawer to find...duh duh duh...what the heck?? Oh a side note today {Wednesday} after I had gotten on to John for putting it in the drawer in the first place I could not find it again, but apparently forgot I put it back in the drawer to take this picture.

Sweet girls playing dress up in clothes I used to roam the house in. 


Heidi asked if they could wear their princess dresses to small group and I told her no. Normally I would let her, but it was way too cold. Her look was her response. Poor thing :(

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