Saturday, July 7, 2012

Vegas - Day 3 {Happy Birthday John!}

John’s Birthday!! Yay!! After staying up WAY to late the night before we had a pretty laid back day. The four of us went to lay by the pool and relax. SO refreshing! It is kind of foreign to not have to run around chasing Heidi and catching her in the pool! I cannot remember the last time I was at the pool without Heidi. Our little fish sure does love the water! I am not too sure how long we were at the pool; long enough to get some sun. It was so hot – you could not even walk around the pool without wearing your shoes or you would burn your feet. We headed back up to our rooms later in the afternoon. Rebekah had been given tickets to Celine Dion for Christmas for her and Brad to go see. I knew that John and I would be going to play cards so I got in the shower to get ready for the night. When I got out there was a phone call from Rebekah asking if I wanted to go see Celine. Seriously? Who wouldn’t? Well, apparently Brad did not. Brad had made a joke when John and I first arrived to Vegas that I was on standby to go to the concert in his place. Actually, he made that joke quite often. Secretly I had an idea since Christmas that I would be going instead of Brad. We all know I have that 6th sense! I even packed a couple of outfits in anticipation.

So, I get the call and say sure! The guys went to play cards while Rebekah and I headed to Caesar’s Palace to watch Celine Dion. It was AUH-MAZ-ING! Such a great time! She is such a sweet woman and truly enjoys singing for people and it was just all-round perfect! The only issue was that you were not able to take pictures or video in the phone. The little guards {really, the people that guide you to your seat with flashlights} would find you if you tried to take one. I will video an impression for your enjoyment. One lady was escorted out and we never saw her again. Celine sang her old songs, some songs of others, a duet with herself, and of course My Heart Will Go On. The stage was dark and the lighting was making it look like you were out in the middle of the ocean and I thought in the background they were making the Titanic appear. Well, Rebekah informed me it was the stage moving. It really did look like the boat though!

We left the show and then walked around, caught a cab and then headed to meet up with the guys. We found them very quickly at the blackjack table. I played a few hands there while John handed over the birthday torch to his brother at midnight. Yep, they have birthdays a day apart – they are 4 years apart {I guess really 3 years and 364 days}. Brad was then king for the night and we followed where he wanted to go. I am pretty sure we ended up at our hotel again after venturing to all the others on the street where they sat and played blackjack and I headed to the craps table. I think I have found my new favorite game! It was so much fun! I stayed out a little bit later than everyone else, but it was well worth it!

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