Sunday night my parents came and picked Heidi up so that she could sleep on a regular schedule rather than waking up at 4AM with us. It was hard spending that Saturday and Sunday with Heidi before we left. I cannot fully explain how I felt before leaving on this trip. In my heart of hearts I thought I was truly going to die. So, Heidi and I spent our time swimming, reading books, and all sorts of fun things. I wrote letters to her in her journal (that I am still continuing) and set up a video camera to capture us playing together.
Anyway - my parents came to get her and I felt like throwing up as my big girl sat in their backseat waving bye-bye. She and Hunter were off...and hubby and I were left alone in the driveway. So, we packed, went to dinner, made a last minute trip to Wal-Mart, went home, packed some more, and then went to bed. EARLY the next morning we woke up and headed to the airport. We flew to Atlanta and then made it to San Juan, PR!
First we checked in at the convention center with Best Buy, got our loot, and then headed to check in at the hotel. We stayed in the villa section of the Caribe Hilton. That night was a little beach welcome party and then it was bedtime for this Henninger family member!
Tuesday John had the vendor show, which I would have gone to, but I found something much better to occupy my time :)

After the river the media team joined our group to video for the little video that recaps the weekend. They were in the back of the truck and there was an open I asked to ride back in it. To heck with that bike. We were not friends.
After the bike ride we took naps and then went to dinner in Old San Juan. The hotel/Best Buy provided a shuttle for all of us to ride back in forth. We went to one of the hotels that had a small casino where we raked in the dough on the roulette tables - one of our favorites :) We ate dinner at a Chicago Burger place and it was delicious! After all of that we headed back to the hotel for bed!
Wednesday during the day we went to the beach for a little bit and the went to Old San Juan for the day. We bought Heidi the cutest little handmade doll - she just loves it!

Concert by the Goo-Goo Dolls! It was such a great time! We had dinner and enjoyed the concert, then headed back to the hotel to continue the party. Then it was bedtime because we had to get up early for the flight back home.
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