**I will have to post more Easter pictures later, I have tried several times already and the uploading tool is not being nice!**
Happy Easter to all! The Henninger family celebrated the Easter at the Saturday night service - it was one service out of seven for the weekend. Before church Heidi and I headed to Richmond Hill for the community egg hunt and other social activities. Poor Heidi has been running a small fever and was a little cranky due to massive teething. I think she has about 4 coming in a once! My friend Karen and her daughter Cassiday were in town and we met up with them for a short while - as well as Karen's parents and husband Clay. My mom also joined us for the hunt :)

Church was fantastic - it was so upbeat. I meant to write a post on the weekend before Easter. The sermon touched on just prior to Jesus' rising. Everyone was to write which sin they were most thankful to be forgiven for on a small black piece of paper. Next one by one we nailed those papers to a board; then you took your communion. Once all was finished (sidenote - just listening to all of the hammering was emotional) men carried the pieces of wood to the front and put them into the cross. The church was dark, only a few lights to highlight the cross. Next Roman soldiers came through the aisles followed by Jesus' mourners - those who were carrying his body to the tomb. Weeping - lots of weeping. Then the mourners left the same way they entered as Roman soldiers escorted the congregation out of the room. Talk about making an impact, right? Somber would be a good word to describe the feeling when leaving.
So - back to Saturday. We went to church and had our picture taken - which we will pick up next Sunday. After church I started thinking about what can be referred to as "Christmas & Easter" people. You know, the ones that show up in their best dressed suits to church twice a year. Its great they go, but they are missing out on so much. There is so much more! The Easter sermon was amazing, so hopefully it will encourage those to attend regularly and want to know more about this Jesus that died in order to save us. Cam, our pastor, brought up such a valid point - people were there. This stuff is not just made up. There are witnesses that saw Jesus placed in a tomb. There was a guard. There was no way that someone took him out. 
Sunday I volunteered to be one of the photographers for the family portraits - for after the 9AM service. After taking pictures I headed home, gathered my family, and we headed to my sister's house for Easter lunch. We ate, hunted eggs, awaited for a traditional Easter meltdown (none this year), and then headed home! All in all it was a wonderful day!
1 comment:
Looks like a fun time !!
Happy Easter !!
Hope Heidi gets to feeling better.
Beautiful pics.
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