Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

We had such a wonderful time taking Heidi trick-or-treating. Heidi loved it as well. Before going out we went to my sister's house for dinner and then we headed out to a neighborhood. At first Heidi was shy, but she loved picking out a little treat at the houses where they left a bowl outside and then she had fun letting people put candy in her basket. Heidi loved holding her cousins Emily and Georgia's hands as they walked up to the houses and got candy. Before we went out we worked on saying trick or treat, but Heidi did not say it. She's a little shy with strangers. She did muster out "thank you" and tons of smiles. A couple of houses said Heidi could have the whole bowl :) We rode around in the back of Hubert's truck for most of the night and Heidi just loved every minute of the night. Of course towards the end she got tired, but she loved everything about the night. Ya know, I really wonder what kids think of when we dress them in silly costumes and make them beg for candy from strangers....

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Seafood Festival

This weekend we headed to Richmond Hill for the Great Ogeechee Seafood Festival! We rode the merry-go-round, bought some bows, ate seafood, walked forever, and had a funnel cake!!

Heidi - 16 Months {in pictures}

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Happy Birthday Dane!

Tonight we celebrated Dane's 2nd birthday! It was a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse theme! Heidi had such a good time and really enjoyed Dane's playroom. When we were walking up to the door I had such an amazing feeling. Probably a mix between proud and pure joy. The sight of Heidi walking up to a birthday party - she looked like such a big girl and I wanted to capture that moment and how it made me feel forever.

Birthday boy blowing out his candles with daddy's help.
Heidi enjoying her cake!
Being sweet friends
Making music!
Taking a break - she loved his chair :)
The fam! Baby Dillon who turned a week old!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Oh Birthday...

A couple of days ago it was my birthday. Usually, like every other birthday in my life, I would be so excited. Countdowns in place. EVERYONE would know my birthday was approaching. This year is different. I turned 30 and its a number I have been dreading. As usual I have put such high expectations on myself and what I should have accomplished by this dreadful age. Everyone in their 30s say that "its the best age yet" and of course they have to say that - they are in their 30s and want to feel better about being that age - ha! I have pretty much always had a "plan" or direction for my life; what I wanted to do or accomplish in life. I really never pictured a life at 30. For some reason all my major life accomplishments and events were to all happen in my 20s.

Anyways, I was pretty much a big pile of doom all day. Heidi spent the night before at my parents' house because I taught dance that night {which, the girls celebrated my birthday after class - they were so sweet!} and John had to close. So, I woke up alone in my house because John had to open the morning of my birthday. I went to work and worked {nice, right?} and I had intended on waking up early to visit 2 friends that had babies and were in the hospital, but I woke up too late to do that.

I got to work - and almost got hit by a truck. Yeah, nice, right? I was walking and the truck almost backed me over. I wanted to try and get out by 3, but other plans happened. I needed to pick Heidi up and somehow still make it to the hospital and then make it to the birthday dinner by 6. Well, I ended up not leaving until 4:30ish and decided that my parents would bring Heidi to the dinner {which did not suit well for my boobs because Heidi had not nursed in over 36 hours} so that I could stop and see at least one of my friends at the hospital. Visited her and then headed to Bonefish for dinner.

Dinner was great - friends and family - lots of laughter and fun! There was also, probably my most favorite moment, of the whole night. Heidi is always so cuddly and loving and we were able to capture some sweet moments with her and her cousins. Every since this night I have seen her interact like so sweetly with other children as well. I love it!

Cupcakes from GiGi's Cupcakes :) Ginormous!

Heidi loving on her cousin Emily

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