....that it's worth it. Have you ever noticed when you are going through something difficult the people always say, "but it's so worth it". It really crawls my skin sometimes because some people have no idea what really worth it is. I know its worth it because I know what it feels like to have it all taken away. So the milk carton of shots (which is from one month) and the daily bruises? Yes, I know it is all worth it.

I'm not sure I have commented before, but I wanted to let you know that I have been there. I lost my firstborn two years ago. During my 2nd pregnancy I did lovenox shots every day and my tummy looked like yours. It isn't fun, but I would do it all over again. My baby girl was born in July.
Good luck! Hang in there. :)
Thinking and praying for you.
Just wanted you to know that y'all are being prayed for- especially this week. Our whole Sunday School class is, too : )! I will be anxiously awaiting an update from Katie.
Ouch! I'm sorry you're having to do this. It just sucks! Hang in there.
Anything is worth it to have that little one in the end. Praying for you and your baby!
Kimberly, I just want to tell you that you are truly one of the bravest and most determined women I know. You inspire me so much in so many ways
Just stopping by to catch up and pray for you this morning. You know the cost well, as a mother who has paid the ultimate price. You know that it is worth it...and certainly do NOT need to be told. Praying for you...
Just because something is worth it, doesn't make it any less difficult, painful, or hard. The end result might be good, and worth it, but the middle of it is still so hard.
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