For the first time in my life I feel I am stress free. Its amazing - I have always had horrible anxiety and seemed to be a about many things. I have not had any of those feelings for a few days now! Most people would probably think that from the events the past 2 months I would be going crazy and stressed to the max. By the Grace of God I am content. I am free from worry and fear. I know that everything that happens in my life is going to happen for a reason - it is already written in God's storybook that contains my life.
Its truly amazing how God speaks to you through life tribulations and trials. Never has He spoken so clearly to me. He has been knocking at my door and even though I have always been a Christian I have never been one to talk about my faith. Having faith was always a private affair in my life. I see now that God does not want me to be private about my belief in Him and I am completely encouraged by how others are reading my latest stories and wanting to learn more about what God can do in their lives.
Its funny, I have always wanted to have "a story". Not just any story, but one of those stories that really impact a person's life - like the ones missionaries tell or people that never believed in God can tell. They always talked about how off track their lives were and how everything changed when they found God. I was always secretly jealous because I have known God my whole life and I would never have a cool story to tell others. Well, God has definitely given me a story - and one that is making in difference in my life. Its not only that I wanted to have a story, but I wanted to be able to USE the story. The fact is I am ecstatic that I have a story that will be able to help others; those that might be going through similar situations or just those curious blog searchers.
I have also found myself going back to my original life plan in becoming a counselor. With my new experiences I want to be able to help others going through similar events. Hopefully starting next spring I will be a graduate student obtaining my masters. The short plan is to have my degree within three years - all depending upon getting a job (if needed) and having kids. We know we want to have kids and we would love to have a couple within the next few years, so we are planning for that also - if it is meant to happen; even if its through adoption. Making a difference in others lives means a lot to me and I want to try and do that as much as I can and lately I feel that God has been calling me to do that. If it is meant to be then it will happen! Let His Will be done :)
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 432
3 days ago
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