Sunday, July 11, 2010

Parker & Krista's Wedding

This weekend we headed to Augusta for Parker and Krista's wedding. Parker is our cousin and we will be meeting Krista for the first time this weekend. My parents left separately while my sister, Emily, Georgia, Heidi, and myself left later in the day. We were planning on leaving earlier than we did, but life got in the way. Right before Heidi and I were headed towards my sister's house she threw up on me. So, I changed my shirt for the 3rd time that day and rather than going through the torture of putting her in another onsie (seriously, I have the hardest time putting those things on!!) I just put her in a little t-shirt and diaper. We had to make a stop by Wal-mart to pick up some diapers and then we were off. I looked like trash - seriously. A purple tank top, jeans, flip flops, and very messy curly hair. I also smelled like puke and bed. You know the "bed smell" - it was from a nap. I guess the shower I took earlier was a waste of time.

So, made it to my sister's house and then Heidi wanted to eat again, so I fed her and then we packed up the car. We were in the car for about 10 minutes when Heidi started crying; I think because we stopped to get gas. We got back on the road and Heidi started crying again - this time for a dirty diaper. I think she was fine for a little bit and we made it about an hour down the road when we stopped to eat. Heidi wanted to eat too, so I fed her in Zaxby's. I have become a pro at public nursing. Vicki went to change Georgia before we left and Georgia peed on Vicki. So, now we smell like puke and pee and I look like trash. Oh, my bra straps were hanging out of my tank top as well...just to add to the "look". We were about 20 minutes away from the destination and Heidi was hungry again. She cried, no she screamed, the rest of the way. We made it to the hotel and my parents came down to meet us as I rushed up to the room to feed the chunkster.

That night Stevie (my cousin and Parker's sister) called to see if she could come and visit. Stevie was also bringing her fiance Chris as well. How wonderful to meet someone for the first time while smelling and looking like poo? Oh well, we did. Heidi did very well her first night in a hotel. It was a wedding miracle! I got 4 hours and 3 hours of consecutive sleep! I forgot how amazing that felt. We woke up and went to Waffle House for breakfast and then to the mall to shop for a dress. I packed a dress for the wedding, but after thinking about it the dress was not going to work too well for nursing. So, we headed to the mall and it was a successful trip for my mom, sister, and myself. Next we headed back to the hotel and began to get ready for the wedding. Showers and baths for the 5 of us. I did take a shower that morning also in case you were wondering.

Ready for the wedding!
We left for the church and sat down sort of in the back - where I could be on the end and slip out if needed. Well, I needed to. I watched the wedding from the lobby area while I fed Heidi and changed her. After the wedding we headed to the reception with strollers and diaper backs in tow. It looked like we were staying for weeks. Heidi enjoyed her first wedding and reception - she is being bred for a socialite lifestyle :) I met Krista and she is just wonderful! By the way - she is also an ADPi, so it was fitting for Heidi's first wedding to be an ADPi wedding. I meant to bring her legacy bib, but I forgot it; she did wear a blue dress though! We left he reception as the girls (GA and Heidi) screamed in unison in the car. Back to the hotel room and I fed Heidi and settled in for the night.
Vicki, Parker, Emily, & Me

Stevie & Me

We woke up Sunday morning and went to a brunch where we were able to hang out with family again. It is always so hard to fit in socializing time during weddings, so it was great they had a brunch. We left the brunch and Heidi was not too excited to be back in the carseat again or in the car. I think we stopped to feed her once and then they girls were so good on the way home! I fed Heidi at my sister's house, then we went on to our house. Once there Heidi passed out on the couch - I guess we were both exhausted and overstimulated. Hopefully this will prepare us to make the trip again in January for Stevie's wedding!

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