How Far Along?: 34 weeks
Total Weight Gain?: 25 lbs.
Maternity Clothes?: Yep! Although I did wear a non-maternity dress to a wedding over the weekend :)
Sleep?: NO - and it does not help when Hunter paws the end of the bed wanting to snuggle up...or that I sweat, really sweat at night. I am normally such a cold-natured person.
Best Moment This Month?: Ultrasound central - having one each week :)
Movement?: A lot of movement now. Ever since my breakdown she has not stopped moving. At the doctor's appointment BG would not slow down for anything!
Body Changes/Labor Signs?: Contractions here and there; pinching when she moves her head which is SO LOW; swelling if I am outside or standing too long.
Belly Button?: mostly flat unless she is right behind it kicking or poking her butt out.
What I Miss: Have I mentioned wine before??? shaving my legs (which I do, but not very comfortably)
What I Am Looking Forward To: Having BG here and being able to call her by her name that is just too adorably cute :)
John and I went to the doctor yesterday and had another BPP (bio-physical profile) which measures things like tone, breathing, movement, size, heartbeat, fluid, etc. Everything looked great and BG was moving up a storm. BG is calculated at weighing 6lbs. 2ozs. which is 1lbs. 5ozs. bigger than 2 weeks ago. According to everyone I pass on the street I will not be making it to my due date - which is totally fine with me, as long as BG is ready to come out.
We are still working on the nursery - well, not really, but we did finally move the bed out of the room. John is to begin/finish painting on Monday and then all we are really waiting on is the furniture and some more bedding. Which reminds me - I still need to order material for the valances...We do have a bassinet so if she arrives before the furniture we are set. So...I think that is the update for now - very boring, but boring is good :)
Oh - and join the baby pool!! - the winner will have an opportunity to hold BG :) haha! No, there will be a small prize for the winner :)
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 430
5 days ago
So did the baby pool! It'll be interesting to see if anyone gets it!
I'm getting so excited for you guys! Can't wait for BG to get here.
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