Speaking of food - I am kind of becoming addicted to the glucose testing monitor. It is a game to me - yes, I am a loser and I like to compete with myself and scores. I like to eat different varieties and "push the limits" in testing my levels. I will tell you that a hard boiled egg, wheat toast, grapes, and a glass of milk will give you a 2 hour fasting score of 83, but a McDonald's double cheeseburger, french fries, sprite, and swiss cake roll will give you a 2 hour fasting score of 129. I went to McDonald's out of desperation one night. Have I mentioned that I used to be a marketing coordinator for McDonald's? Yeah, I was, but I guess its a good thing I no longer work there since their food is not in my best interest. At least plenty of other Americans will help build my stock that I own :)

I hate it when people steal your food! I had someone steal my cheese at work! A whole bag! And it was expensive cheese too!
That bag looks empty...
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