Hello blog followers, husband here. My wife Kimberly finally allowed me to put something on her blog to show that I am a real person and do truly exist. So as I read her daily posts to see what kind of pictures shes posting for this project, I decided I would "guest blog" to give her ever so busy mind a much needed break. So here it is, my first guest post. I decided to take a picture of one of my pride and joy's....my tv :).....wait....our tv, better honey? This fine piece of technology provides both of us some nice quality time alone and together when needed. We have our family time during the weeks while watching some of our favorite shows and playing some xbox 360 when wifey goes to sleep :). Each member of the family gets their own personal couch/recliner. Sometimes I am in the recliner, sometimes the small couch, sometimes the big couch, whichever spot is available after Hunter and Kimberly take their seats. During a typical week, we get to watch some shows together on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays but Thursdays are mostly her shows and I am banished to playing on the computer or with the dog until Grey's is over. And about every two weeks or so we pick a movie from ONDEMAND and watch together. So its the simpler things in life that we enjoy doing the most. We both work long days and enjoy nothing more than hanging out together and enjoying some fine HD television. Oh and since I work for Best Buy, if you dont have a nice HD tv and some HD programming with DVR capabilities....your completely missing out. But wait no more, ever in the Savannah area, come see me in the Home Theater department at Best Buy and I can take care of that !! My time has run out for my first and probably last guest post, but if I do get a chance to post again it most likely wont be until day 364 .....til then blog followers.....take care.
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 432
15 hours ago
1 comment:
It was nice to read a guest post from the hubby! :) My hubby calls our nice tv his. I have to remind him it's a family tv! lol
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